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Sale of wood

Sale of wood

Sale of wood in State Forests is held  on the basis of  Regulation of General Director of State Forests, which are available on the following website:

There can be distinguished the following procedures of wood sale for entrepreneurs:

  1. offer for sale on the Forest and Wood Portal (Polish abbreviation PLD) concerning the amount of purchased wood
  2. offer for sale on the Forest and Wood Portal (PLD) for entrepreneurs implementing new investments
  3. system internet auctions in ,,e-wood"  application (Polish name „e-drewno")
  4. internet auctions in  ,,e-wood"  application
  5. other auctions and  submissions;
  6. trade negotiations
  7. on the basis of the price list of retail sale.


About  11,5 % of the whole quantity of sold wood in RDLP in Zielona Górza makes firewood.

Wood is sold as:

  • of medium size (S2,S4)
  • of small size (M1, M2)  of wood with its diameter no more than 7 cm in the bark in the thicker end.  The wood belonging to M2 group, so called branch-wood is the only cost of purchaser.

The bigger quantities are sold as firewood S4 – both coniferous  and deciduous wood. Mentioned wood is sold in Forest Divisions (Forest Districts).
The price list of retail sale is available both in registered office of Forest Divisions and in bureaus              of Forest Districts, as well as on websites of certain Forest Divisions.

List of Forest Divisions:  link to map of Forest Divisions


Firewood S4 is prepared in shape of wood shafts of length from 1,0 to 1,2 meter and are stacked in piles in forests. After purchasing the wood, the customer pays all the costs of  receipt and transport.


The quantity of sold wood is as follows ( from the highest):

  • pine,
  • birch,
  • oak,
  • acacia,
  • alder.

The basic rule concerning the wood burning is depriving it of humidity.  Before burning, the wood should be dried in order to reach the highest caloric value . Average time of drying decorticated (natural) wood  equals 2 years ( birch about 1 year, oak even 3 years). The caloric value of wood is often influenced by denseness of wood ( the highest value, the longer the wood burns and gives more warmth).
Wood denseness of the most popular strains (after drying):

  • hornbeam – 830 kg/m³
  • ash – 750 kg/m³
  • beech – 730 kg/m³
  • oak – 710 kg/m³
  • birch – 650 kg/m³
  • alder – 570 kg/m³
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